Deposit liquidity into the Curve bentCVX pool (without staking in the Curve gauge), and then stake your bentCVX LP tokens here to earn CVX.
bentCVX LP token address:
CVX token address:
Deposit contract address:
Rewards contract address:
Mint bentCVX with CVX and stake to receive protocol APR and platform fees.
You can swap bentCVX and CVX in the Curve Pool.
Mint bentCVX with CVX and stake to receive protocol APR and platform fees.
You can swap bentCVX and CVX in the Curve Pool.
Mint bentCVX with CVX and stake to receive protocol APR and platform fees.
You can swap bentCVX and CVX in the Curve Pool.
Note: Minting bentCVX with CVX is irreversible.
You may stake and unstake bentCVX tokens, but not convert them back to CVX.
You can swap bentCVX and CVX in the Curve Pool.
CVX token address:
bentCVX token address:
Deposit contract address:
Rewards contract address:
Deposit liquidity into the Uniswap BENT/ETH pool and then stake your Uniswap BENT/ETH LP tokens here to earn BENT on top of Uniswap trading fees.
Breakdown of claimable earnings:
BENT token address:
Deposit contract address:
Rewards contract address:
This pool is deprecated. Make sure to withdraw your funds
Convert CVX to bentCVX. By staking bentCVX, you're earning Bent Platform earnings + BENT tokens.
Note: Converting CVX to bentCVX is irreversible. You may stake and unstake bentCVX tokens, but not convert them back to CVX. Secondary markets may exist to allow the exchange of bentCVX for CVX.
Breakdown of claimable earnings:
0% APR
0.0 CRV
0% APR
0.0 bentCVX
0% APR
0% APR
0.0 ALCX
0% APR
0.0 LDO
0% APR
0.0 FXS
bentCVX token address:
Deposit contract address:
Rewards contract address:
This pool has migrated to weBENT, please withdraw and re-stake.
0% APR
0% APR
0% APR
0% APR
0% APR
BENT token address:
Rewards contract address: